Thursday, 24 October 2013

Two Complaints

I'm sorry, but this first post in a long while is just a couple of complaints.  I needed to express some frustration, and I don't keep a journal anymore where I can vent this.  But there is one positive comment at the end...  You can skip to the last paragraph if you want.  :) 


First complaint:

I don't like playing with people who are sore losers or sore winners.  I wish people could enjoy each others' success in a game: to play a game without gloating and without sulking.  I played a boardgame tonight with two people, and as soon as I started to win in any way, one of the two started complaining saying "We have to stop her!"  The game had only just begun, and it went on like that for the rest of the game.  Once that player started losing momentum, they were no longer interested in playing.  They would have only been interested in it if they had been winning. 

Second complaint:

I like taking pictures.  I take a lot of the same shot so that I can get the right shot.  The first one might be focussed on the wrong spot, or it is underexposed, or it isn't framed right, or the shutter speed is too slow.  I am not very good at using my camera.  So, I take a lot of pictures of the same thing.  And I take pictures of things that I find beautiful, and of things that I love.  I was taking some pictures during the aformentioned boardgame, and I was asked to stop taking pictures.  It seems that every time I start taking pictures of this particular person, they want me to stop.  Now, I understand that, because I don't like it when people take pictures of me.  But when they take good pictures of me, I don't mind.  I sometimes take pretty good pictures.  And, as I said, I take a lot of the same shot so that I get one that is good and that is a flattering image of the person of whom I am taking the picture.  So, when I am told to stop doing something I enjoy doing, it is discouraging and it creates a negative experience around that thing I enjoy doing.  I start to enjoy it less, and I don't want to take pictures, for fear of being discouraged from doing so.  When I used to sing, people used to ask me to stop singing.  Whether it was because I was too loud when I was practicing, or because they just thought it was a terrible sound that they didn't enjoy hearing, it was discouraging.  It is probably one of the many reasons I don't sing anymore.  That killed the enjoyment for me, and it made me feel as though I shouldn't do it because it was annoying to listen to me.  It is frustrating when people ask you not to do what you enjoy doing.  It takes the enjoyment out of it, and it is discouraging.  You begin to associate that activity with a negative experience. 

So please, if we ever play a game together, don't gloat or sulk: please let me be happy for you when you are winning, and please be happy for me if I am winning.  And if I ever take a picture of you, it's probably because I love you and I think you're beautiful.